B.See » 26 Sep 2021, 10:00 pm » wrote: ↑
The degree to which wacko, arse-backward, Bizarro world notions, ideologies and mentalities have PROLIFERATED surrounding a killer pandemic that is STILL claiming lives in the thousands is almost mind boggling to behold, especially considering that we are NOT in the Dark Age, but one in which so much information is available.
And while those notions aren't solely an affliction of the right and those of like mind, it would NOT be an exaggeration to acknowledge that it is THEY who clearly hold controlling STOCK, in conspiracy theories, misinformation, and WILLFUL ignorance.
Here are some of the latest news stories in COVIDIOCRACY:
Fifth Anti-Vaccination Radio Host Has Died of Covid-19
Pope Francis Confused Why People Refuse To Take COVID-19 Vaccines | HuffPost
LOCK HIM UP: Tucker Carlson is Telling His Viewers to Get Fake Vaccination Cards - Which is a Felony
Trump-loving school board member says it's not her duty to protect kids: 'God decides who lives or dies' - Raw Story
Anti-vaxxers are calling themselves 'purebloods' -- a term that draws 'parallels with Nazi doctrine': report - Raw Story
In the middle of a pandemic, Republicans permanently stripped power from public health officials
15 Miami-Dade Public School Staff Members Die Of COVID In Just 10 Days | HuffPost
A police captain who refused the vaccine and took the anti-parasitic ivermectin to combat COVID-19 dies from the virus
QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Called COVID a Hoax Even as His ‘Lungs Stopped Functioning’
You is one a dose people what wants to use COVIDOCRACY to institute Jim Crow, CLAIMIN issabout da vacksine, but targetin black folk.
You a raciss pile of crap.